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Taipei Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



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  • Last updated:2024-01-31
  • View count:3117
  • History
    *This prison was established in 1895. At first it was called the Taipei Penalty Institute, which was remodeled from a Manchu facility. In January 1902, it was rebuilt at a location southeast of Taipei City (the present AiGuo East Road). When Taiwan was returned by Japan to the Republic of China in October 1945, it was named the Taiwan Taipei Prison. At the end of 1958, the Ministry of Judicial Administration (predecessor of the present Ministry of Justice) sold the old site and bought land at Guishan, Taoyuan County, for the construction of a new facility. This was prompted by the crowding of the old facility and the need of dispersion at a time when Taiwan was at war. The ground was broken on October 11, 1961, and the construction was completed at the end of December 1962. It was formally inaugurated on January 11, the Judicial Day of 1963.
  • Architecture
    The area of Taipei Prison is 6.2 hectare, administration and escort section combined. Dormitories and farms combines to be 10.8 hectare which gives the combine area of 17 hectare.
    Starting from 2012, Taipei Prison begins the campaign of CHI-SAN building expansion. The building consist six levels above the ground, one level of the basement. It is state of the art cement built building. It is the highest building of the Justice Administration. The construction started from 2015 March and ended 2016 December. The Construction Ending ceremony was held on 2017 October second. It had won silver level of the green building award. It has 146 cell-rooms 「every inmate has their own bed」It solves the problem of overly crowded intake of inmates. It also gives inmates a better living space!
  • Inmates
    The Ministry of Justice provides that this prison which imprisons male inmates only is used, in principle, for holding heinous and repeat offenders who are sentenced to at least ten years in prison. It also holds foreign offenders and other categories of offenders with a maximum capacity of 3,401.
  • Taoyuan branch for deranged inmates
    To take care of deranged inmates, the Ministry of Judicial Affairs ordered, in 1976, this prison to build a branch prison at the side of the Taoyuan Asylum of the Department of Health under the Executive Yuan. The branch prison was inaugurated on December 20, 1979, specifically for holding deranged women inmates. Its mandatory capacity is to hold 38 deranged women inmates and 18 tuberculosis women inmates.
  • Taipei branch prison
    It is concurrently served by the Taipei Detention Center, which jails offenders sentenced to less than five years in prison.
  • Taipei women's branch prison
    It is concurrently served by the Taipei Women's Detention Center for holding female criminals serving a sentence of less than seven years.
  • Sindian branch prison
    It is concurrently served by the Sindian Drug Abuser Treatment Center for holding criminals serving a sentence of less than five years.


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