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- Last updated:2024-01-31
- View count:2957
Taipei Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, is a correctional organization established under the Ministry of Justice to fulfill the following six responsibilities:
◆ Educational services
(including:after-care, protection, rehabilitation, volunteer, and religious,etc)
◆ Skill training
(including:cultural, art, horticultural, farming, printing, vocational, and computer courses,etc)
◆ Livelihood provisions
(including:meals, clothing, lodging, education, and entertainment,etc)
◆ Health care
(including: outpatient service, treatment for special diseases, public benefit treatment, vaccination, check-up, and disease reporting,etc)
◆ Guard and control
(including:performance assessment, meeting, and cultivation of discipline,etc)
◆ Investigation and classification
(including:photo-taking for new inmates, background investigation, tests, and employment assistance,etc)