Operation Responsibilities
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- Last updated:2024-01-31
- View count:1042
Duties of the Investigation Section:
Duties of the Edification and Education Section:
Duties of Business Section:
Duties of the Sanitation and Health Section
Duties of the Guard and control Section:
Duties of the General Affairs Section:
Duties of the Taoyuan branch of the prison:
The branch affairs.
Duties of the Personnel Office:
- Personnel appointments.
- Performance evaluation.
- Retirement and relief cases.
- Training, advanced studies and participation in conferences.
- Health insurances and fringe benefit affairs.
- Other personnel affairs.
Duties of Accounting office:
- Preparation matters for the financial statements.
- Preparation matters for the annual revenue and expenditure budget allocation.
- Preparation matters for financial reports and semiannual report.
- Preparation and audit matters for payment statements and accounting books.
- Counting fixed assets and petty cash of operations fund.
- Reimbursement and preparation matters for payment statements of operations fund.
- Supervisor inspection of operations fund.
- Preparation matters for financial reports of operations fund.
Duties of Statistics Office:
- Comprehensively manage the statistical matters and concurrently handle information matters.
- Inputting and auditing of inmates statistical data.
- Compiling and auditing of the monthly and annual statistical reports.
- Making statistical charts about prison.
- Matters relating to statistical survey.
- Contact and management of information matters.
Duties of the Government Ethics Office:
- Formulating the rules on the ethics of this organization.
- Publicizing the law and regulations related to government ethics.
- Preventing and probing the irregularities of this organization.
- Proposing reforms on this organization's ethics matters.
- Participating in this organization's performance evaluation for purpose of reward and punishment.
- Safeguarding this organization's secrets.
- Other matters related to government ethics.
Duties of the Committees:
This prison has set up a number of Committees. The most important one is the Parole Review Committee. It is composed of 7~11 members. The superintendent, chief of the Edification and Education Section, and chief of the Guard and Control Section are its ex officio members. Other members are recruited by the supervisory organization. These recruited members are scattered in the fields of psychology, education, sociology, legal affairs, criminology, and prison science. Also included are impartial personalities in the community. All parole cases must been approved by the committee.
It is stipulated that the prison may also establish the following committees:
It is stipulated that the prison may also establish the following committees:
- A directional committee on investigations and classification.
- A directional committee on education.
- A directional committees on work.
- A directional committees on health and sanitation.
- A research committee on corrective measures.